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Mi Regalo – IH-90


Mi Regalo, Intibuca, Honduras – Washed IH-90

 – “A cross hybrid varietal delivering an elegant profile, processed through the traditional washed method by the artisanal producer Yessica Victoria Manca”.

What to expect in the cup

Whitecurrant, pomelo, macadamia. Showcasing a delightful toffee-like sweetness, harmonised with nuanced citrus acidity, with a light body, and buttery texture, leading to a malty finish.


We meticulously curate our Microlot category by evaluating numerous samples through cupping, and this particular lot emerged from a selection we received from our friends at Nordic Approach. We were pleasantly surprised by its remarkable cleanliness and exquisite elegance, accompanied by significant complexity in flavour. The producer, Yessica, employs selective harvesting techniques, ensuring that the cherries are transported to the mill on the same day they are picked. Only organic fertilisers are utilised in the process. The drying occurs in a solar dome-type dryer, lasting approximately 25 days. This lot consists of the IH-90 varietal, which is thought to be a hybrid of Timor Hybrid 832/1 and Caturra, designed to yield a more resilient plant that produces a higher quantity of fruit while also delivering an exceptional cup profile. This lot exemplifies an outstanding Honduran coffee from a very small-scale producer, and we are delighted to share it with you.
This coffee is produced by Yessica Victoria Mancia on her farm, Mi Regalo, which is situated in Campanario, Masaguara (Intibucà) at an elevation of 1750 meters above sea level. The farm spans 5 hectares dedicated to coffee cultivation. In 2017, Yessica inherited the farm from her father and began working alongside her husband in coffee production. Her aspirations include enhancing her family’s quality of life and investing in better educational opportunities for her children through the income generated from coffee sales. Additionally, she intends to improve her farm’s infrastructure and allocate more resources to her milling operations. This marks our first purchase from Yessica, and we are pleased to support her very small-scale project “Mi Regalo”, which encompasses only 5 hectares. We look forward to fostering a lasting relationship in the future.