Diego Samuel Bermudez Tapia, hailing from Bolivar Cauca, is a professional in Agricultural Business Administration. His journey commenced with the cultivation of crops on his parents’ farm, El Paraiso, aptly named as it embodies a true paradise replete with diverse crops and outstanding infrastructure for coffee processing. During his university years, Diego discovered his passion for coffee cultivation, and his leadership qualities, coupled with an enthusiastic spirit, propelled him towards continuous learning and development in this field. Finca El Paraiso exemplifies the values of teamwork, family cohesion, and unwavering perseverance. Although Diego initiated this venture, he is supported by his brother, Alexander Bermudez, who wholeheartedly embraced Diego’s vision and collaborated closely with him. Together, they elevated their practices by transitioning from traditional methods to innovative techniques. Their relentless pursuit of excellence and commitment to innovation has led them to adopt new technologies that benefit not only their operations but also other coffee producers in the region. Currently, Diego serves as the manager of INDESTEC S.A.S, a family-owned enterprise dedicated to enhancing the production and marketing of specialty coffee globally. The business has garnered numerous accolades, including 16th place at the ‘Cauca Best Cup Special Coffee Fair’ in 2015, 3rd place in the ‘Yara Champions Program’ in 2016, 8th place at the ‘Fourth Best Coffee Fair in Cauca’ in 2017, and 1st place at both the ‘Fifth Best Coffee Fair in Cauca’ and ‘Master of Coffee Colombia’ in 2018, among other recognitions. They have implemented environmentally friendly technology focused on critical aspects of the coffee processing, such as drying, which is independent of climatic conditions, ensuring traceability and consistent cup quality.