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Buku Abel – JARC Landraces


Buku Abel, Guji, Ethiopia – Natural JARC 74110, 74112 & 74158

– “A stunning example of Ethiopian Landraces developed by the Jimma Agricultural Research Center and processed at the celebrated Buku washing station”.

What to expect in the cup

Raspberry, papaya, blood orange. Extraordinary sweet and bright with juicy complex multi-layered acidity and floral fragrance like jasmine.


Local farmers grow locally selected varieties 74110, 74112, and 74158, which were developed by the Jimma Agricultural Research Center (JARC) in the 1970s. Cherries are manually harvested before being taken to the processing station where they are hand sorted before being processed. The sorted cherries are then dried on raised beds where they are turned frequently until reaching their ideal humidity. All coffee is hand sorted a final time after drying before being prepared for export. The results in the cup are outstanding and this is definitely one of the most exciting coffees we tasted this year from Ethiopia.
This coffee was produced by smallholder producers in the Buku kebele village and was processed at the Buku washing station operated by Esayas Bareso. The Buku Abel village, where the washing station is located within the Guji zone, sits 2350 meters above sea level, representing one of the highest coffee producing altitudes we’ve come across. This coffee was sourced from SNAP Specialty Coffee. SNAP was established in 2008 by Negusse Debela in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa. The company operates three washing stations in the Gedeo zone, and are partnered with additional washing stations in Guji and West Arsi. We began our partnership with SNAP in 2022 and this is our third year on a row purchasing from them some of the best coffees Ethiopia has to offer.