Ombligon is a relatively recent varietal that was identified in the past few years in Huila, Colombia. More specifically, Ombligon is a natural mutation of an Ethiopian Landrace. The term “Ombligo,” which translates to “belly button” in Spanish, is the reason locals refer to this variety as the cherry with a belly. Ombligon shares several characteristics with Caturra, including broad leaves, closely clustered cherries, vertically growing branches, and high yield potential. Additionally, Ombligon exhibits greater density compared to other varieties, resulting in fewer non-developed beans, or “floaters,” in flotation tanks. The cherries are harvested at their optimal maturity, with brix levels ranging from 21 to 24 degrees. Following this, the cherries are placed in open plastic tanks for a 48-hour oxidation period, during which the coffee musto (the juice or extract produced during oxidation) is continuously recirculated. It is essential to monitor the coffee to ensure it reaches 19 brix degrees and that the pH remains above 5. Subsequently, all cherries are transferred to a tank of cold water, where any that float—indicative of being unripe, lower density, or infected with broca—are manually removed. The remaining cherries are then rinsed with water heated to 50°C (thermal shock) to loosen their molecular structure and initiate the fermentation process before being placed into airtight plastic bins for anaerobic fermentation. Prior to sealing the tank, brewer’s yeast is applied to the cherries at a ratio of 1:5 (1 gram of yeast per 5 kg of cherries), diluted in water at 32°C. The cherries undergo fermentation for 38 hours, during which both endemic microorganisms and the added yeast proliferate. After fermentation, the cherries are mechanically dried for approximately 12 hours to quickly reduce moisture content to 18%. They are then stored in closed plastic bags for 2 days in a dark environment to stabilise. Finally, the cherries are transferred to marquesinas to complete the drying process over approximately 15 days, achieving a moisture content of 10.5% to 11.5%.