This microlot of Catuaí coffee was processed utilising the Red Honey method at the Cafe Ceres micro mill. Following the harvest, the coffee cherries underwent a flotation sorting process to eliminate any underripe or overripe fruits. The selected cherries were then placed in plastic bags and allowed to ferment for 72 hours before being pulped. After pulping, the coffee was fermented in plastic bags for an additional 48 hours prior to drying. The fermented coffee was dried on raised beds over a period of 14 days, with regular movement every two hours to ensure even drying. This coffee was processed at Jorge Vasquéz Ureña’s Roble Negro micro mill, located in Aserrí within Costa Rica’s Tarrazú region. The micro mill collaborates with local coffee producers, such as Daniel Monge García, to create high-quality, traceable lots and to enhance access to international markets. Established in November 2019, the mill initially featured only drying beds and patios. In 2020, significant investments were made to expand the infrastructure, enabling the processing of Natural, Honey, and Washed coffees. We were highly impressed by this specific lot during our selection of Costa Rican coffees and are delighted to share it with you, supporting the talented small producer Stephanny and her mother, Alexandra.